
Are You Ready? Yes I'm ready.

So well, it's been a little bit since i've checked in with you over here. Just because of this record thing I've been working on. It's kinda pretty much done. So after about 2 years we've done all the recording and mixing and crying and fighting and making up, then punching my steering wheel... We just mastered it last night. Together. In harmony. So in regular guy language that means we're pretty close to having it done. For reals. Like 98% done.

Golden Ghosts. 12 songs straight from the heart. Straight to your ears. 3 full time players, 2 part timers, and a couple of good friends just for good measure. But still full of whatever it is you like best. Like smoothies.
Just a few more restless nights of labor pains and we will be birthing this musical baby real real real soon. Like in days soon. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

So since i am the resident shit talker and hater of all around bullshit, feel free to critic and...well do a little shit talkin' yourself once you hear this bad boy of a record. Bring it. I wanna hear it. I'm ready. I can take it.