
You've Ruined My Plans to Be a Lonely Man.

Wow... and we thought we had it bad. Glenny i love you but you need a little light in your life.

Ok, i am here...and now... am i in no way a woman hating chauvinistic macho manly-man who thinks women have their one place in this world. Also, contrary to popular belief ,i am not a homosexual (that's for dad if he ever reads this).i am single and i love women. Especially smart, beautiful, thoughtful, caring, courageous, single, sexy ones.FYI.

These beautiful creatures who baffle our minds and break our hearts with one wink of a long curled eyelash can and will make us rethink our lives before we've even thought of it.

i certainly am guilty of daydreaming about the future Mrs. CMG after just one night of a drunken make-out sesh."Oh how our kids would be the coolest kids ever!"whatever. (that's also for dad).

See, i come from a long line of insatiable, selfish, childish, divorced men who think they have the world figured out and needless to say their women love them. They've stayed with them for years even after the shit they pull. i mean they have put these women through some shit. i mean real dark shit that make muthafuckers say "God damn!" And they're still together. Now that's love...i guess?

See, in no way do i identify with my forefathers, but i do see their point in all this love mess. "Just do you, and if they don't like it, fuck 'em!They know where the door is.". i'd like to think i could say that but i don't think i can. But i'm young and optimistic, what do i know? It's a tough job that takes a team effort and if you don't love your team then you're doomed from the start of it all.

But i know things can change.

Now alot of my friends are going through "changes" in their lives right now with their better halves. Now i embrace change but i do not envy some of the choices my dudes are having to make these days. I've been there and it's not easy.

The ones with girlfriends; either their girl wants to get married or they just left because my dude didn't ask them to marry. That second one was me.

The one's that decided to take the marriage option are either going to have a baby soon; just had a baby; or are getting a divorce because life has changed so much with a baby that it's just not possible to be with that woman anymore. All three of those examples are freaking out equally.Now you just put yourself in that scenario(really) and see what you do.

Either way, life changes. Big Time.

Now i guess my whole point to this is not to bash marriage but to uncloud the notion that i'm clouded about marriage because i'm not in love. Hey i've been in love and it's awesome. I recommend it to everyone to at least try it once.

It's just when we bring "the court of law and the power invested in me(the tattooed minister who got his certification on line)" into the mix. Not to mention the constant verbal onslaught from the family and your lady about "when are we going to take the next step?" Hey family, remember when we would drive to Raging Waters all the way out in who knows where the fuck San Dimas is and me and my cousins and brother would ask "When are we gonna get there?huh?huh?huh?huh?huh?" That just made you not want to go anymore, right? And to the enquiring girlfriend; Yes, it's unfortunate that us men aren't on a biological timeline so please, don't put us on one.

That's when things just go sour for me. See, i love my dudes and i don't want them to be hurt or be forced to make decisions that they really don't need to be making at this time in their lives. Where is our romance? Where is our choice? I love you girl,but damn you bug! Why do we have to be forced to make a decision we haven't even thought about yet. i don't know man, sometimes women just take the fun out of things. For reals.

I think my man Marc H. Rudov has summed it up beautifully. He has decided to help men understand marriage by making P.A.N.T.S. an acronym, with these five elements: pregnancy, alimony, nest, treasury, and sex. Whoever controls these elements is wearing the pants. Check it out.